Michael & Eva Fast
South East Asia
seatsinc@gmail.com evaRfast@gmail.com
“The Spirit of the Lord is with me. He has anointed me to tell the Good News to the poor. He has sent me to announce forgiveness to the prisoners of sin and the restoring of sight to the blind, to forgive those who have been shattered by sin, to announce the year of the Lord’s favor”
Michael & Eva have been Global Ministries Personnel since 1996.
Since 1992, Michael has been privileged to work in youth ministry, church planting, pastoral ministry, and missions, but he gets the most joy out of teaching. Hearing testimonies of how God is working in people’s lives makes him emotional. Thinking about how the church can better engage the world gives him inspiration.
He has studied quite a bit. He attended 2 elementary schools, 4 high schools (in two countries), and 3 universities (in two countries). He has a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Saskatchewan, a Master of Divinity from Canadian Baptist Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Philippine Studies from the University of the Philippines, Diliman. He currently serves as the Academic Vice-President and Dean of the South East Asian Theological Schools, Inc. He is also an Adjunct Faculty member of Canadian Baptist Seminary. He also pastors Pingkian Family Worship in Quezon City, Philippines. He is a Credentialled Minister of BGC Canada and was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1998.
Eva’s background is in nursing and she fell in love with midwifery in 2007. Throughout the years she’s been involved with over 700 natural births. Although she’s not practicing midwifery at this time, her passion for women and their stories remains. She believes women are stronger together with God as their foundation. She spends her time working with women in Pingkian, studying the bible with them, doing livelihood projects together, and serving the church together. She also — through the Devotia Foundation — dreams of giving students the opportunity to serve God in their communities through the financial stability and leadership skills that secondary education provides.eir
Read Eva’s passion for women and their stories at beneathmyshell197228610.wordpress.com
Michael Blogs on church, culture, masculinities, and mission at michaeljfast.com
Cell: +1 (236) 688-9822 WhatsApp: +639999968082