Welcome to the BGC Stewardship Foundation. Wondering why the Baptist General Conference of Canada needs an organization like the BGC Stewardship Foundation? The Stewardship Foundation helps enable BGC Canada to fulfill its mission of reaching new people in the world, preparing qualified leaders, planting new churches, and providing stewardship resources.
“The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.”
BGC Canada was established in 1981. Although the Lord was providing in a marvelous way, it was living from budget to budget. Leaders began to advise that part of its future funding should be raised through a planned giving program. Since 1995, a committee has been working on a strategy to build and stabilize its income and resources by establishing the Foundation. The Foundation has provided a stable long-term focus for funding, enabling BGCC to take advantage of new sources of income, such as bequests.
First Founding Board - Photo from Our Story: Baptist General Conference of Canada
The Foundation has five primary objectives:
Funds, facilitates and promotes individual programs that teach, motivate and assist Christians to implement biblical stewardship.
Financially helps congregations with church planting, missions, Christian education and assisting in the purchase of church buildings.
Provides administrative services for planned giving, endowments, education, missions and other programs of the BGCC.
Receives gifts and bequests.
Holds, invests, develops and distributes funds and property for the BGCC.
The Foundation also enables efficient pooled investment of residual funds at the district, national and seminary levels. These pooled investments allow for regular supervision of the fund, affordable professional management, investment opportunities only available to larger pools of money and safety through diversified investment.
Without a long-term plan that provides a stable source of ongoing funds, growth in the BGCC and its ability to capitalize on opportunities and take on new projects would be hampered.
Currently, the Foundation needs funding for global ministries, church planting projects, seminary training, church revitalization and seminary student scholarships. It would also like to get involved in special local, district and national projects, which include situations where support and compassion are urgently needed.
Board at work - Photo from Our Story: Baptist General Conference of Canada
In July 1996, the Foundation was established. A new board was elected with representation from the four districts of the Conference. Because of the legal requirements of the establishment of a Foundation, these Board Members were elected according to the constitution under which the Foundation was organized. Of necessity it became a separate legal entity but had one objective and that was to “exist to support the ministry of the Baptist General Conference of Canada.”
Our Prayer is that you will find resources that will help you become a better steward (manager) of what God has entrusted to you. It is also our prayer that the churches you are a part of will thrive under the sovereignty of our Lord. Together we can make a difference.
“Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
You are invited to browse though the contents of the site, avail yourself to the materials for your personal use and allow God to work. If our office can be of any further help, please email or call us.