To post a job opening in a BGC Canada church on this site, please send the job description and contact information to the BGC Canada Office. If you are interested in being hired at a BGC Canada church, please send a completed Pastoral Profile and photo to BGC Canada Office. Once you have downloaded the Pastoral Profile please “save as” with your name and the date in the title. This is the only way that the document will save your answers.
Fishing Lake Bible Camp, located near Wadena SK, is looking for a ¼ time Executive Director. Our lovely camp is located on the edge of a scenic lakefront. We welcome between 150-200 children every July. We’re supported by four churches from the communities of Wadena, Fosston, Wynyard and Foam Lake. This summer it will be 80 years that our God-centred camp has been in operation, sharing the Gospel and the love of Jesus to each new generation.
We are a church located in Drayton Valley Alberta, a rural community 1.5 hours south-west of Edmonton. Oil and gas is the primary driver of Drayton Valley's economy (like many Alberta towns). Agriculture and forestry also play roles in the local economy. The population is approximately 7,000 with about 15,000 in the surrounding area. Drayton Valley is home to five public schools that are part of the Wild Rose School Division, and two schools that are part of the Catholic School Division.
Lakehead Baptist Church, a vibrant, Christ-centered, congregation-led church that meets in Thunder Bay Ontario is seeking a Lead Pastor. Our longstanding Pastor will be retiring as of June 1, 2025, and ideally, we would like the vacancy filled by that date. We are looking for a relational pastor who loves God and cares for followers of Christ deeply.
A Family Pastor will primarily be expected to provide leadership and vision to our Children’s Ministry (Approx. 70-75% of the position), and secondarily, to Youth Ministry and parents so as to form a discipleship culture for families (Approx. 25-30% of the position).
Lansdowne Community Baptist Church (LCBC) is a vibrant, Christ-centred church that meets in Edmonton, Alberta. It is near the university campus and is surrounded by established neighbourhoods and schools. LCBC is a dual-congregational church (Mandarin and English, totalling around 220 weekly attendees) with its English congregation having an average Sunday attendance of 70-80 from all ages.
Ebenezer Baptist Church (EBC) in Saskatoon, SK is currently seeking an organized, self-initiated, and cooperative full-time Facility Director to clean and oversee the maintenance of our church building, prepare rooms for all rentals, and work with EBC staff to prepare rooms for church-related events.
Calvary Baptist Church in Killarney, Manitoba is currently seeking a pastor to lead us as a congregation in spiritual growth, ministry and outreach.
Ebenezer Baptist Church, a church of the Baptist General Conference of Canada is seeking a full-time associate pastor in Wetaskiwin, AB. Ebenezer is a church that bridges rural and urban in a small city 50 minutes south of Alberta’s capital, Edmonton.
Lansdowne Community Baptist Church cordially invites applications for the position of a full-time Mandarin Ministry Associate Pastor in supporting the Senior Pastor in shepherding a Mandarin congregation.
加拿大愛城浸信國語教會 誠聘一位全職國語事工牧者,協助主任牧師牧養國語會眾。
New Life Church in Teulon, Manitoba is a smaller rural congregation of about 50 people who love the Lord and love each other. We have a deep desire to reach our community and surrounding area for Jesus Christ.
We're a gospel centred family of believers in Jesus Christ. We seek to focus on the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection and to explore the implications of God's grace in all of life.