Global Ministries is the mission arm of Baptist General Conference of Canada. As such, it encompasses both national and international ministries. We currently have 30 people serving in these capacities, and they are referred to as Global Ministries Personnel (GMP). BGC Canada's desire is to:
“Build a network of churches that make disciples who live and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in their communities, Canada and the Nations.”
We do not start or run orphanages or hospitals, provide child or Christian worker sponsorships, deal with justice issues, and so forth – unless these somehow assist us in are primary ministry of planting churches, make disciples and spread the gospel. We are not saying that these ministries are unimportant. In fact, we think they are important but they are not what the Conference body has felt called to do. We are certainly glad there are others focusing on those types of ministries while we focus on making disciples, church planting and church growth.
10/40 Window
We are willing to plant churches anywhere but if you ask us where we would really like to plant churches it would be with those who have none (the unreached peoples of our world, most of which live in the 10/40 Window). Because we are a small organization we like to partner with other like minded agencies to help get the job of planting and growing churches done. Check out Networking Partners for information on these agencies.