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Naaman & Lorae are doing linguistic/translation work in the Solomon Islands under a networking agreement with Wycliffe Bible Translators Canada. They have been serving there since 2018.
Tom & Lee Castor
serving with: BGC Canada and Converge
Clear & Simple Media: Tom Castor is the founding partner of the Clear and Simple Media Group. Clear & Simple Media is a ministry that is involved in research, translation, writing, content development, field testing and distribution of global English language discipleship materials for use by the grassroots church movement in SE Asia and around the world. One of the primary goals is to identify, disciple and train writers who will create a catalog of materials that are linguistically simple, theologically clear and biblically faithful.
Jeffery Chaters
Serving with: BGC Canada and Youth Unlimited
Jeffrey serves as the Young Dads Coordinator of the Young Families Program, an initiative of Greater Vancouver Youth Unlimited (Youth for Christ). There he reaches out and ministers to young fathers up to age 30, in order to see families holistically thrive and know Christ.
Michael & Eva Fast
Serving With: BGC Canada
Location: South East Asia
Michael & Eva partner with Asian churches to transform Asian societies with the Good News of Jesus Christ. They concentrate on Pastoral Training and Community Development Ministries. In order to do this they spend their time on four areas: Proclaiming Jesus Christ, Building Community, Truth Telling, and Serving the People. Michael serves as the Dean of the South East Asian Theological Schools, Inc., where pastors & churches are trained to engage society. Eva directs the Devotia Foundation, where needy college students receive scholarships and mentoring. Both minister with Pingkian Family Worship, where a community is being transformed to serve God. They have two married children, Emily & Elmer, and Daniel & Marley. They have lived in Quezon City, Philippines, and worked in South East Asia since 1999.
Connie Main Duarte
serving with: bgc canada
Location: Oeiras/Lisbon, Portugal
Connie is the General Secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance, a pastor at the Meeting Point (a Baptist church in Estoril, Portugal), a Board member of the World Evangelical Alliance, and the Chair of Crescer com Amigos (an association that works with vulnerable children, in the Portuguese school system, who need care and extra attention to be successful in school. She is involved in staff training with the GBU. She also speaks at conferences around Europe. Connie has been serving in Portugal since 1998.
Olga {& Mykola} Myronchuk
Serving with: BGC Canada
Location: Ukraine
Olga Myronchuk – her heart is with the children of Ukraine. Olga and her family found refuge in Canada after the full-scale war in Ukraine began in 2022. Despite relocating, her heart continues to ache for the children of Ukraine.
Brian {& Jessica} Myrholm
Serving with: BGC Canada and AIM
Location: Based in CanAda, serving globally
Brian & Jessica serve under a networking agreement with AIM. Brian is serving on an “innovation team” with teammates from various mission agencies. The team undertakes challenges faced by missionaries and mission organizations to bring about solutions. Brian and Jessica began their long-term service in 2014, and served in Uganda until 2022.
Alex Printis
Serving With: BGC Canada & GEM (Greater Europe Mission)
Location: Germany
Alex is serving under “Father Project” working with young male refugees that are classified as unaccompanied minors.
Laura Russell
serving with: bgc canada
Location: Tucuman, Argentina
Laura has been serving long-term in Northwestern Argentina since 2007. Her ministry focus is to disciple the next generation of leaders. Since 2010, she has been living and ministering in Tucumán City (pop. 1 million). She is on the pastoral team at a local congregation (Peniel Church), and a professor of New Testament courses at the Tucumán Centre for Theological Studies. She was a volunteer staff with A.B.U.A. (a sister group to Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship) until 2021 and continues to disciple and train young adults through various networks.
Valerie {& Laird} Salkeld
Serving With: BGCC and Wycliffe Bible Translators
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Valerie Salkeld serves under a networking agreement with Wycliffe Canada. Valerie serves as chaplain and spiritual director. Valerie's main goal is to foster spiritual vitality in Wycliffe Canada’s staff individually and as a community. Her overall work increases the awareness of Bible Translation work as a spiritual battle and provides resources for people to pray. Reaching the world’s unreached involves having God’s Word available to them. Valerie joined Wycliffe and the BGCC in 2001. Please consider becoming prayer and financial partners with the Salkelds.
Todd & Krystal Wawrzyniak
Serving with: BGCC and Indian Life Ministries
Location: Langdon, Alberta
Todd & Krystal Wawrzyniak have been seconded to Indian Life Ministries and are reaching out to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the United States.
Muslim Ministries
BGCC has 2 couples who are believers from a Muslim Background reaching out to Muslims in Canada. For reasons of their own personal safety we do not list them on our site. For more information contact BGCC.
Creative Access Nations
BGCC Global Ministries has:
one couple serving in SE Asia
one couple in the Middle East
For more information please contact the contact BGCC.