Together, we have identified seven essential areas where God is at work among our church families. These seven areas are also critical to the future growth and health of our churches. They are:


harmonious, functional organizational structures: bgcc develop and operate within a structure that brings out the best from our partnership with each other - regionally, nationally and beyond.

The Bible repeatedly pictures Christ’s church as a body, and so functioning in harmonious unity with each diverse part uniquely contributing to the overall productivity of the whole. Of course, behind the image of a body is the reality of our triune God − diverse persons with unique functions, yet one God, bound in perfect love, and working in unhindered harmony. These are high models of “harmonious, functional organizational structures” yet are achievable by God’s indwelling Spirit, and we can settle for nothing less.


spiritual formation: BGCC churches are committed to disciple-making.

As the outworking of fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), this is the essence of our reason for existence. We exist to see Christ fully formed in the lives of all those God entrusts to our spiritual care. The Gospel is the “power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16), so that “they might be conformed to the image of His Son.” (8:29)


Church care: BGCC churches love, care and support one another as we serve God together.

We believe that not only are Christ’s people bound together as brothers and sisters, but we are called to care for one another. Paul urged the Greek believers to give in support of the Judean believers, reminding them, “At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality.” (2 Corinthians 8:14) God’s evident desire is that we might always excel in the grace of giving – sometimes the gift may be money, sometimes human resources, sometimes prayerful encouragement, but always with a view to loving and giving with a Christ-like spirit.


multiplying faith communities: bgcc churches strive to multiply their ministry through church planting and other innovative approaches.

As dynamic communities, churches are called to grow and multiply. On the initial Day of Pentecost, those from many nations and a host of communities heard the apostles declaring the wonders of God in their own languages. Later, we read how, “those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.“ (Acts 8:4). Just as the early church grew through multiplying its faith communities across their world, fulfilling our reason for existence depends on the same.


Global/Cross Cultural Ministry: BGCC churches have a plan for cross-cultural engagement because we live in a multicultural nation and in a global village.

Not only is our world more accessible than ever, but our country Canada is more a place where diverse cultures have come. We are committed to identifying and supporting those who God is calling into cross-cultural ministry both here and overseas. Often this involves partnering with other Missions agencies to enable our churches to invest in worthy ministries; it also involves encouraging deliberately multi-cultural churches in this country.


Leadership Development: BGCC churches have a plan for discovering, developing and enabling its existing and emerging leaders.

Moved by Jude’s injunction to “contend for the faith that the Lord has once for all entrusted to us, his people” and the reality that the church of Jesus of Christ is always only one generation from cessation, we are committed to ensure that new leaders are discovered and equipped, so that 2 Timothy 2:2 is fulfilled among us.


Creative Community engagement: bgcc churches find ways to effectively engage their community, nation and world.

In writing to the early churches, the apostle Paul often used a phrasing such as "to the church of God in Christ which is at ___.” While spiritually "in Christ,” each church also serves as His local body in a particular locale. Accordingly, each church exists to be the hands and feet, and voice of Christ in the community where they serve.