Located on the picturesque campus of Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C. Canada, Canadian Baptist Seminary is one of six seminaries representative of other denominations forming a unique consortium called Associated Canadian Theological Seminaries (ACTS).
Aerial view of Trinity Western University - Photo from Our Story: Baptist General Conference of Canada
Through a partnership with both ACTS and the Baptist General Conference of Canada (BGCC) CBS is poised to provide cutting edge theological education. At CBS, we firmly believe that formal theological education remains essential for the vitality of the church and the Baptist movement. The seminary experience prepares our students to speak confidently from God’s Word and lead God’s people into the greater fulfillment of the mission of the church. "Physicians of the soul" must be well-equipped to care for the 'flock'.
As a chartered partner of the ACTS Consortium, the seminary participates in cutting-edge church leadership education. ACTS represents a decidedly unique approach to seminary education. Although the faculty represent five denominations, they are committed to serving the needs of each constituency with integrity and faithfulness. For a fraction of the cost necessary to run an independent seminary, the BGCC can enjoy the benefits of a fully equipped Canadian seminary and university environment.
We offer the following degrees:
Master of Divinity
Master of Theology
Master of Theological Studies (various tracks to choose from)
Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling
Master of Arts in Christian Studies (various tracks to choose from)
Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural Ministries
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Exegesis
Doctor of Ministry
Class of 2019
Of the current pastors and lay leaders serving BGCC churches, almost fifty have studied at CBS. As the denomination continues to grow, so will the need for exceptionally trained pastors and church leaders. CBS is poised to provide that service. As well, through the resources available within ACTS, Canadian Baptist Seminary offers consultation for pastors and church boards on a host of contemporary issues.
The seminary is funded from three primary sources- Endowment, local church budgets and individual donors. We praise God and thank all those who partner with us in this creative enterprise.
For further information about CBS, please visit our website: www.canadianbaptistseminary.com