Associate Pastor: Youth Emphasis

Calvary Baptist Church (Drayton Valley, AB)


START DATE: This position is available to begin as soon as possible.

Note: The successful candidate is expected to be credentialed with the Baptist General Conference of Canada as a condition of employment (which includes a criminal records check, signing of doctrinal statement and pastoral code of ethics, attendance at the School of Orientation, and completion of all required assignments for credentialing within three months of employment).

**Resumes and questions for the Search Committee can be sent to You can phone the church office for any clarification needed on the submission process (780-542-4774). Not all electronic submissions will be responded to personally. **

About us:

We are a church located in Drayton Valley Alberta, a rural community 1.5 hours south-west of Edmonton. Oil and gas is the primary driver of Drayton Valley's economy (like many Alberta towns). Agriculture and forestry also play roles in the local economy. The population is approximately 7,000 with about 15,000 in the surrounding area. Drayton Valley is home to five public schools that are part of the Wild Rose School Division, and two schools that are part of the Catholic School Division.

We (Calvary Baptist Church) are affiliated with the Baptist General Conference of Canada and we hold to their statement of beliefs. We have been a part of the community for more than 60 years. Our congregation meets regularly on Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship with around 140 in attendance on average. We are a mixture of all ages of people. It is our desire to hire someone called to pastor here in this community in the area of youth ministry.

Job Description:

The purpose of a job description is three-fold:

  1. It gives the church and the Pastor of Youth an understanding of work expectations.

  2. The job description protects the Pastor of Youth from being assigned tasks beyond their immediate responsibilities.

  3. The job description also gives the church a specific way to evaluate the work performed by the Pastor of Youth.

No job description can cover every situation or circumstance and therefore it is a general guideline and must be interpreted with some flexibility (flexibility for the pastor and flexibility for the church). Feedback from the church board, pastor and lay ministry volunteers will provide the Youth Pastor with general guidelines for implementing their ministry.

Position Summary:

  • Calvary Baptist Church is searching for a gifted individual to give oversight to our Youth Ministry. The Youth Ministry role would include: the discipleship and spiritual formation of youth; equipping and supporting parents as the primary influence in the lives of youth; building intergenerational relationships between youth and others at CBC; intentional connections to youth in our surrounding community; encouraging youth to creatively serve our church and surrounding community; and offering spiritual care and support to youth and their families as they deal with unique challenges and difficulties.

  • At this point, we would foresee that the job would be split with 70% of the time focused on Youth Ministry and 30% focused on General Pastoral duties (this could include preaching, support for other church ministries, pastoral care/ visitation, attending Church Board and ministry team meetings, etc.). Over time, these ratios may adjust (based on individual gifts/ passions, and the way we see God at work in these ministries).


We will be looking for a great fit between this individual, our staff and our church. To help with this, we will specifically be looking at areas of Character and Competence.


  • A genuine walk with God through a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ, incorporating regular devotion to the study of Scripture and prayer.

  • Teachable, willing to accept feedback, desire to grow.

  • Self-motivated, responsible.

  • Trustworthy.

  • Able to work as part of a team, includes others in decision-making.


  • Clear calling toward Pastoral ministry and service.

  • Ministry Education - Diploma/Bachelor’s degree (or higher) in a ministry related field of study.

  • Passion to minister to teenagers/ youth and their families.

  • Gifts and abilities as a musician and worship leader/ team member would be an asset but not necessary

  • Abilities in administration and organization.

  • Strong communication skills.

  • Abilities with technology (sound, video, computer, etc.).

  • Ability to relate to the unchurched and to serve our surrounding community.

  • Ability to relate well to multiple generations in our church.

  • Ability to work in close relationship to the Lead Pastor, staff, and on various ministry teams.

  • Previous experience in Youth Ministry considered an asset

Youth Ministry Job Expectations:

  • Establish a Youth Ministry that will serve the youth of CBC and surrounding community.

  • Build relationships with youth that would lead toward spiritual formation and growth.

  • Plan and oversee regular youth events, along with the Youth Ministry team.

  • Support and equip parents as the primary spiritual influence in the lives of youth.

  • Reach beyond our church, to the unchurched youth in our surrounding community.

  • Partner with other local ministries and churches and schools that focus on the discipleship of youth/teens.

  • Be an example of Godly living, obedience and growth.

  • Intentionally connect youth with other generations in our church body (ie. build an appreciation for the ‘Church Family’).

  • Help the youth of CBC discover their spiritual gifts, identity, and purpose through Jesus Christ.

  • Provide Pastoral Care and support to youth and their families who are facing unique challenges and difficulties.

  • Manage an annual budget for Youth Ministry and Youth events.

  • Facilitate the worship and praise of Jesus Christ at CBC, in partnership with other worship leaders and musicians.

Other Job Expectations:

In addition to this, there will also be expectations for this individual in other areas of Pastoral Ministry (for example; Preaching, Pastoral Visitation, Staff meetings, Support to other ministries at Calvary Baptist Church, Seniors Lodge/Hospital services, Ministerial meetings, Board Meetings).


This is a full-time, salaried position. The expectation would be that this person would work 40-50 hours/ week (which includes evenings and weekends).


This position will require a close relationship with the Lead Pastor, which would include regular meetings and conversations where updates can be given, areas of focus can be discussed, and evaluation/ feedback can be offered. The Calvary Baptist Church Board will conduct an annual review of all Pastoral staff.


Salary and benefits for this individual will be commensurate with experience, education, etc. Holiday time will be determined in this same way.