Thank you for your interest and desire to join us in fulfilling the vision of Building a network of churches that make disciples who live and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in their communities, Canada, and the Nations. The following are ways for both individuals & churches to give to the work of the Baptist General Conference of Canada.
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the Baptist General Conference of Canada. Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, we will honour that restriction, with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions will be used as the Board determines.
For individuals
Credit Cards
We accept VISA and Mastercard. If you would like to make a one-time online donation with your credit card online, please click the button below.
If you would like to donate directly to us, please give us a call at 1-844-438-9127. If you would like to be a regular monthly supporter, please complete, sign and mail back the Pre-authorized Credit Card Payment Form. If you ever wish to make changes to your giving please email us. Click here for the email address.
If you wish to do an E-transfer the donation needs to go Baptist General Conference of Canada. Please send to and include your designation in the e-mail and call 1-844-438-9127 or 780-438-9127 to provide us with your password for your E-Transfer or send an email to
Monthly Pre-Authorized Donation
The Pre-Authorized Donation Plan is a direct and simple system. You can set up either through your bank information or credit card. Print a copy of the Pre-Authorized Payment Form and include your signature. You can either fill out the credit card portion or enclose a blank cheque (used by the bank for information verification) marked “VOID” and mail to:
BGC Canada
#201, 8315 Davies Road NW,
Edmonton, AB T6E 4N3
Your donation will be debited on or around the 20th of each month. And if at any time you wish to make changes please email us. Click here for email.
online giving
Canada Helps is an agency that assists people in giving to Canadian charities and as such, tax receipts are generated through them and not by the Baptist General Conference of Canada. For changes or concerns please contact Canada Helps directly. Please NOTE that Canada Helps changes a fee for this service.
Canada Helps
Through Canada Helps you may also set up donations to reoccur monthly for up to one year. They accept all major credit cards and direct debits and provide income tax receipts for all donations made through their website. Please NOTE that Canada Helps changes a fee for this service.
Personal Cheques
Please make payable to Baptist General Conference of Canada and note in the “memo” the designation. Mail to:
BGC Canada
#201, 8315 Davies Road NW,
Edmonton, AB T6E 4N3
Your cheque will be deposited once it is received in the office. A receipt will be issued at the end of each calendar year. Post-dated cheques are also accepted.